Contact Form Help

Having Trouble with our Contact Form?

Use these suggestions to help resolve common problems with the Contact Pages on your different devices.

My Browser is having problems with the Contact Form.

Please note that this site is hosted on Google Sites and may work best with the Google Chrome Browser.

The Submit Button is missing on my Contact form.

If you do not see the Submit Button, continue to SCROLL DOWN the form until you find it. It might be beyond the bottom edge of your screen.

My Contact Form becomes Magnified when I click on a field using my cell phone.

This is a known problem on the Motorola phones (using Android). To help resolve, turn the Accessibility setting Magnification option to OFF. However, turning it off does not seem to fix the problem in Android v11. If this happens, please use the link offered at the bottom of this page. You can also try using a different device, or you can try upgrading the Android OS.

My cellphone is Stuck on the Contact Form. I cannot return to the Website.

The Duxbury Camera Club Website opens a new Tab when redirecting the user to the contact form on If you are having trouble getting back to the TAB that contains our Website, try the following instructions for common browsers such as Chrome and Safari. This is an enhanced feature of how some browsers now work on the newer cellphones and is not a website error.

Managing Browser Tabs in Your Cellphone

Apple Iphones

Google Chrome Browser

Apple Safari Browser

Android Cellphones

Google Chrome Browser

Other Browsers

If you have another Browser on your cellphone (such as Firefox, Opera, etc), you will need to try a Google Search for "opening tabs" or "clearing tabs" for "[your cellphone]" and "[your browser]".

If none of these suggestions works for you, you can try accessing our General Contact form through this link on