Duxbury Camera Club
Our club is a group of enthusiastic photographers of all experience levels from Duxbury and surrounding towns. We regularly meet the first Wednesday night of every month from September through June to share thoughts, ideas, experiences, and our photographs. These meetings normally feature a presentation by a prominent photographer, as well, as member slideshows and critique nights. In addition to our monthly meetings we offer monthly focus groups (for specific areas of interest such as wildlife and B&W photography), field trips, workshops, gallery shows, photo challenges, and much more. Paid members may participate in all of our Club activities.
The general public is welcome to come and attend 1 Free meeting.
Our next Meeting will be
Wednesday, October 9th @7PM
(Please Note that this is the 2nd Wednesday of the Month)
How Do I Attend a Free Meeting?
Although our monthly meetings are usually reserved for our paid Club members, we do allow members of the public to check us out by attending one (1) Club meeting for free. See Club Meetings Page.
How do I Become a Member?
For more information about our club dues and how to become a member, please see our Join the Club Page.
What are Club Member Benefits?
Duxbury Camera Club is a vibrant organization with a great deal of member participation and an outstanding schedule of programs, workshops and field trips.
See Member Benefits Page.
Club Shows
View our Club Shows page to see information on both Current and Upcoming Duxbury Camera Club Public Exhibits.